News & Resources

Resources and news about the latest Connect Health people stories, patient and commissioner case studies, evidence, research and company news.

NHS Services

NHS Services People Stories Rheumatology

Why I chose rheumatology as my career? … my answer “Why not rheumatology?”

24 May 2022

Professor Bhaskar Dasgupta, Rheumatology Lead Consultant, tells us about why he’s joined Connect Health, his career to date and how the need to develop community care rheumatology capabilities is urgently required.

NHS Services Patient Outcomes

You do more in the group exercise classes, you do it properly and you meet new people.

9 May 2022

Petra Jahn, 63 from Milton Keynes tells us, after 5 operations on her hip and being off-work for 4 years, how her health is gradually improving through group exercise classes.

Graduate Development NHS Services People Stories

Connect’s Graduate Development Programme challenged me (in a good way!)

19 April 2022

Joana Rodrigues, Senior MSK Clinician in Pain Services at Connect Health, tells us about how the Lincolnshire Pain team helped to support and encourage her towards a Senior Clinician role after joining the Graduate Development Programme (GDP).

Clinical Mental Health NHS NHS Services Talking Therapies

Connect Health chosen to partner with Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust in delivering Mental Health Talking Therapies services to East Riding community

1 April 2022

Connect Health has been successfully awarded a new Talking Therapies contract with Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust.

NHS Services Rheumatology

Allied Health Professional lands new National Rheumatology lead role at Connect Health

29 March 2022

Connect Health announces the appointment of Michael Dare as Head of Rheumatology, who commenced on 1 March 2022.

NHS Services Patient Outcomes

Going on the PMP course meant I was surrounded by people going through the same thing and I didn’t feel alone

3 March 2022

Sylvie, 46, from Lincolnshire tells how Connect Health’s Pain Management Programme (PMP) has helped her enjoy life again.