The last in the series of 2019, Healthcare professionals from across Yorkshire and the North of England joined musculoskeletal (MSK), pain and medical experts, to debate, network and share best practice on treating MSK conditions.
Clinical Connect news NHS Services
Moving forward from disjointed MSK services to evidence-based integrated pathways
18 December 2019
Clinical NHS
Cauda equina syndrome CES White Paper (February 2019)
22 February 2019
Connect Health’s Medical Director, Dr Graeme Wilkes explores current pathways in place relating to Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES) and looks to develop a debate around clinical variation and the provision of MRI scans for potential CES patients.
CAUSE of the CAUSE – Dr Graeme Wilkes
16 November 2018
Dr Graeme Wilkes shares his view on current healthcare provision and poses the question around current Biopsychosocial courses and practice in Physiotherapy / MSK practice – just a tick box exercise?