Good Governance Institute and Connect Health launch important guidance at a virtual roundtable

NHS | 8 September 2020
NHS and governance innovators join forces to support health service leaders with looming mental health crisis

NHS | 17 August 2020
Infusing Mental and Physical Health within COVID-19 recovery
Connect Health in partnership with The Good Governance Institute host a special round table event to discuss the interface between physical and mental health in relation to COVID-19 recovery efforts with regards to Musculoskeletal (MSK) and Talking Therapies.

Patient Outcomes | 4 August 2020
More exercise and psychological therapies and much less drug prescribing prominent in draft NICE chronic pain guidance
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has launched draft guidance for Chronic pain: assessment and management’ which is out for public consultation until 14 September 2020.

Connect news NHS | 31 January 2020
‘The Burden of Back Pain’: Connect Health’s Chief Medical Officer provides expert commentary to The Economist
Connect Health’s Chief Medical Officer is in The Economist giving his expert insight on ‘The Burden of Back Pain’ and how management should also include psychosomatic treatment.

Connect news | 16 October 2019
Consultant Physiotherapist for the North appointed
Connect Health is pleased to announce the appointment of a new consultant physiotherapist in the North – Andrew Cuff.

NHS | 3 October 2019
Herts Valleys Community Integrated Musculoskeletal Service – Evening event
Join us for a FREE event aimed exclusively at GPs, clinicians and practice staff, with interactive workshops, clinical skills teaching and experts on hand.