It’s very important to me that the company I work for has a good ethos.

Lise Verlo, Development Manager in the Connect Health IM&T team, tells us about how she was still figuring things out when she left school and how her focus was to do something that would make her feel happy, even if she didn’t know what that was.

People Stories

I didn’t plan to go into the technology sector, it’s just how my path took me

I’m originally from Norway and by the age of 13 I was feeling discontented as everyone else seemed to know exactly what they wanted to do with their lives and I had no idea.

After school, I went to university where I studied Norwegian Literature. From there I started a job in a call centre specialising in Telecoms and my plan was to stay there until I figured out my passion. I ended up working my way from the call centre, to being in Quality Assurance and then to a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) role.


I was lucky to come across Connect Health, helping patients is a very important job

After 13 years working in Norway, I moved to England to be with my partner. I had applied for a couple of roles in the UK but Connect Health stood out because it is important to me that I work for a company that has good ethos.

I was extremely proud of the company I worked for in Norway because they weren’t afraid to stand up for people’s rights and firmly believed that everyone was equal. My aim when I came to the UK was to be just as proud of the company I worked for here.


I understood how an injury can make a patient feel isolated

When I lived in Norway, I suffered a back injury and had to take some time off work. Although I was only off for 2 months, it was mentally challenging. It made me realise how important it was for people to have that help to get them back into work and back into life. This experience is a big part of why I applied to Connect Health, I resonated with how they do what they can to help patients.


I was keen to show how I could help patients

I first applied for the role of RPA developer at Connect Health but was rejected. Despite being offered a position at a bank already, I proceeded to contact my now manager and asked him to re-evaluate my CV. I explained my enthusiasm for working at Connect Health.

After reviewing my CV a second time and inviting me for an interview, I was offered the job in December 2019. This role involved working with the other team members to automate processes for the Patient Care Coordination (PCC) team. We automated the patient registration process to streamline the pathway, minimise admin time and allow the team to focus on helping patients.


I always need a purpose with work and private life and I like what we contribute to society and patients in the IM&T team. In a way I get to contribute to a patient’s wellbeing.


To me, people are at the centre of all we do. Processes and technology are there to enable people and help them to thrive

In the Spring of 2022, I was promoted to Development Manager in the Information Management & Technology team. My ethos is to create improvement within the team I manage and not to create change for the sake of change.

I’ve always been interested in learning new things, improving processes and helping people to work in more effective ways because people are the most important part of Connect Health. Helping colleagues add value and take away admin time is a massive part of what I do as well as assisting them to evolve, grow and succeed.


I’ll never sit back and say that’s the way it is, there is always room for change

In the IM&T team, we’re in the middle of trying to shift to a more agile way of working. As it is quite a big team with many smaller specialities, getting everyone aligned can be a challenge. It feels like we’re on a slow moving train but the most important thing is that we are moving and we’re making progress.

I try to remove obstacles from the team’s work so that they can work to the best of their ability and I implemented self development within my team as well.


I have created more structure for the team to work efficiently and created room to continue to grow and evolve.


I have absolutely no idea what the future holds – and that’s OK!

I don’t have a clear path in mind about where I want to go from here, I just want to continue to evolve. I would like to still be helping to improve things in a place where I feel I can thrive and feel happy.


If you try something and it’s not for you, it’s not failure, it’s just learning what you don’t want to do.

My advice to people who don’t know what career to pursue is that it’s okay. You don’t have to have a clear vision as long as you have values you want to uphold. Don’t put pressure on yourself.


As long as you’re open and transparent with who you are or what you want then the opportunity is there.

The potential to grow and follow a career path is a major benefit of working for Connect Health. Connect will show you trust and loyalty and will make sure that if you work hard and do your best, you’ll have more opportunities to progress. The birthday leave is also a great benefit of the company.


If you’d like to find out more about working at Connect Health, contact

Click here to download Lise Verlo’s Story
