Connect Health has recently been featured in the Institute of Osteopathy magazine – Osteopathy Today.
Clinical Connect news Rheumatology
Esteemed rheumatology leader joins Connect Health to champion urgent gulf in community care for the condition
23 May 2022
Professor Bhaskar Dasgupta brings over 40 years of clinical and academic experience to Lead Consultant role
Connect Health Change
Spice of life: The variety of MDT is the route to excellence, say MSK experts – and the time for action is now
13 May 2022
Bold thinking and standardised assessment can drive services forward, finds latest webinar ‘Quality assuring the multidisciplinary MSK workforce’ was the subject of Connect Health‘s latest Change webinar on Wednesday 4th May, focusing on the potential of multidisciplinary working, and
Clinical Well-being
Connect Health assists the CSP in their Stronger My Way campaign
2 May 2022
Connect Health assists the Stronger My Way campaign by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists (CSP) which is built on insight from professionals and people living with long term conditions.
Clinical Mental Health NHS NHS Services Talking Therapies
Connect Health chosen to partner with Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust in delivering Mental Health Talking Therapies services to East Riding community
1 April 2022
Connect Health has been successfully awarded a new Talking Therapies contract with Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust.