Residents in Lincolnshire can hear from experts rallying to change the way they think about, talk about and manage their chronic pain, as a revolutionary public health campaign visits the city this month.
Clinical NHS Services
Flippin’ Pain campaign arrives in Lincoln as county takes action on chronic pain
11 February 2020
Connect news NHS
‘The Burden of Back Pain’: Connect Health’s Chief Medical Officer provides expert commentary to The Economist
31 January 2020
Connect Health’s Chief Medical Officer is in The Economist giving his expert insight on ‘The Burden of Back Pain’ and how management should also include psychosomatic treatment.
Clinical Connect news NHS Services
Pain: Do You Get It?
20 December 2019
The Pain: Do You Get It? event in Grantham was an awareness-raising public engagement movement encouraging the local community to change how they think, talk and treat chronic pain
Clinical Connect news NHS Services
Moving forward from disjointed MSK services to evidence-based integrated pathways
18 December 2019
The last in the series of 2019, Healthcare professionals from across Yorkshire and the North of England joined musculoskeletal (MSK), pain and medical experts, to debate, network and share best practice on treating MSK conditions.
Connect news
Connect Health doubles the size of its head office to further enhance patient care
5 December 2019
Following rapid growth, including increasing its workforce by over a third in the last year, Connect Health, has agreed plans with North Tyneside Council to double its head office space at Quorum Business Park.
Connect news Patient Outcomes
Connect Health CIO deploys digital workers to streamline processes
27 November 2019
Connect Health’s Graeme Fletcher speaks on how the contributing factor to staff and patients alike with the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the patient pathway, helping enhance patient care with Thoughtonomy