Flippin’ Pain’s Community Pain Champion Prof. Cormac Ryan joins over 15 experts in pain management at the first ever International Chronic Pain Virtual Summit 2020 on 18/19 June 2020.
Connect news NHS
New web resource aims to flip people’s understanding of pain
3 June 2020
Flippin’ Pain™, a Connect Health initiative, has a new website co-produced by those who live with persistent pain and healthcare professionals.
Clinical Connect news Patient Outcomes
Connect Health rolls out new clinically led chat-bot, supporting all MSK patients in these challenging times
28 April 2020
PhysioNow® provides immediate remote access to physiotherapy treatment and advice, and facilitates bespoke care pathway identification for Connect Health’s MSK physiotherapy patients.
Clinical Connect news NHS Services
Leading professor sets out to ‘make an impact’ following appointment as Community Pain Champion for revolutionary health campaign
27 March 2020
Pain expert, Professor Cormac Ryan, has been appointed as a Community Pain Champion for Flippin’ Pain, a public health campaign championed by Connect Health and supported by NHS Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Groups.