Latest from Connect
Flippin' Pain Patient Outcomes
Visit to health campaign event was life changing for Lincolnshire woman with painful spine condition
17 August 2023
Former nurse finds ways to cope and has cut down her use of opioid painkillers
Whatever your age or fitness level, we can all be part of something really special, while taking steps towards better health and wellbeing
5 July 2023
Community services healthcare provider Connect Health supports ‘parkrun for the NHS’ and offers top tips for those looking to join celebratory event
People Stories Quality Improvement
It’s very important to me that the company I work for has a good ethos.
28 March 2023
Lise Verlo, Development Manager in the Connect Health IM&T team, tells us about how she was still figuring things out when she left school and how her focus was to do something that would make her feel happy, even if she didn’t know what that was.
People Stories
Trying to make things better for patients is what I enjoy.
9 March 2023
Charlie Reed, Quality Support Advisor at Connect Health, explains how he started as a temp, has been promoted in just a year, and has had opportunities to travel and see the patient experience first hand.
Connect Health Change
Can Health Coaching reduce Primary Care pressure and improve patient outcomes? – Q&A Summary
6 March 2023
As part of the Connect Health Change webinar series, we present the Q&A summary from our panel who discuss Can Health Coaching reduce Primary Care pressure and improve patient outcomes?
Case Studies
Clinical NHS Patient Outcomes
Data – can we really make informed decisions without it?
17 September 2020
In this case study, Danielle Chulan, Deputy Director of NHS Services, Connect Health describes the importance of having good data at our fingertips to make better decisions.