News & Resources

Resources and news about the latest Connect Health people stories, patient and commissioner case studies, evidence, research and company news.

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News & Resources

Resources and news about the latest Connect Health people stories, patient and commissioner case studies, evidence, research and company news.

Our upcoming events

Keep an eye on our website for our upcoming events! 

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Musculoskeletal and Pain services are joining up in North Kirklees

29 July 2019

From 1 October 2019, Musculoskeletal (MSK) and pain services in North Kirklees will be joined up and provided by Connect Health.

Careers Connect news

Keele and Connect Health launch innovative student mentorship programme in new partnership

12 July 2019

Keele University’s School of Health and Rehabilitation (SHAR) has signed a partnership with Connect Health, the UK’s largest provider of musculoskeletal (MSK) health services.

Connect news

Launch of new Social Prescribing Framework for Allied Health Professionals

12 July 2019

Connect Health’s Helen Foster and Aideen Larmer contribute as part of the expert panel in developing a framework for AHPs involved in social prescribing.


Clinical NHS

Cauda equina syndrome CES White Paper (February 2019)

22 February 2019

Connect Health’s Medical Director, Dr Graeme Wilkes explores current pathways in place relating to Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES) and looks to develop a debate around clinical variation and the provision of MRI scans for potential CES patients. 

Connect news

The Connect Health story – company overview

7 February 2019

See our new company overview which aims to bring Connect Health to life in one brochure, in terms of the services we provide, the patients we support, the people that work here and the importance of what we do.

Patient Outcomes

After suffering with leg pain for years, a referral to the gym transformed Peter’s life

7 February 2019

Peter Mellor, from North Kirklees, tells his story and his life-changing experience with Connect.

Case Studies