News & Resources

Resources and news about the latest Connect Health people stories, patient and commissioner case studies, evidence, research and company news.

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News & Resources

Resources and news about the latest Connect Health people stories, patient and commissioner case studies, evidence, research and company news.

Our upcoming events

Keep an eye on our website for our upcoming events! 

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NHS and governance innovators join forces to support health service leaders with looming mental health crisis

8 September 2020

Good Governance Institute and Connect Health launch important guidance at a virtual roundtable

Patient Outcomes

More exercise and psychological therapies and much less drug prescribing prominent in draft NICE chronic pain guidance

4 August 2020

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has launched draft guidance for Chronic pain: assessment and management’ which is out for public consultation until 14 September 2020.


Connect Health is selected to provide additional capacity through new NHS framework

29 July 2020

Connect Health provides essential waiting list support to the NHS through Outsourced Clinical Services framework, adding capacity and expertise to stretched services.


Clinical NHS

Connect Health has a can-do culture, that’s really focused on continual improvement and investing in its people. There’s just so much opportunity

8 August 2020

Emily Byatt, Service Manager, Lincolnshire Community Pain Management Service talks about how the values at Connect Health attracted her to take on a new role and reinvigorated her passion for healthcare delivery.

People Stories Well-being

Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving

4 August 2020

Rick Williams, Senior Physiotherapist, tells us how since lockdown, his exercise regime has dramatically changed, knocking up 150 miles of cycling a week.

Clinical Graduate Development

Virtual Student Placements

18 June 2020

Keeping the pipeline of physios flowing during Covid-19 and beyond

Case Studies