Latest from Connect
Connect news Patient Information
UK charity links with public health campaign to produce magazine for people living with chronic pain
10 September 2020
Pain Concern’s magazine “Pain Matters” has been taken over by Brian the Brain from Flippin’ Pain™ this month.
NHS and governance innovators join forces to support health service leaders with looming mental health crisis
8 September 2020
Good Governance Institute and Connect Health launch important guidance at a virtual roundtable
Patient Outcomes
More exercise and psychological therapies and much less drug prescribing prominent in draft NICE chronic pain guidance
4 August 2020
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has launched draft guidance for Chronic pain: assessment and management’ which is out for public consultation until 14 September 2020.
Successful and sustainable implementation of FCP within PCN’s – Q&A transcript
25 September 2020
Following the success of our 2nd in the series of webinars to make and embed transformation in healthcare during restitution of NHS services following the COVID outbreak, we present the transcript of Q&A’s with our panel of speakers.
Clinical NHS
I love to see the changes we help people to make to their lives, and the benefits in terms of how they feel
1 September 2020
Dr Lizzie Doherr, Clinical Lead for Pain Psychology, Lincolnshire Pain Management Service, describes the advantages of moving out of her comfort zone to Connect Health after 20 years in one organisation.