Ensuring everyone is able to access the right therapy at the right time

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Ensuring everyone is able to access the right therapy at the right time

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Connect Health Mental Health and Wellbeing Services

Connect Health, a leading community services healthcare provider, places clients at the centre of their care by enabling choice and ensuring that their needs are met. Patients are empowered to take ownership of their mental health, self-manage where possible and access appropriate support and resources specific to their needs.


The Challenge


Why Connect Health?

Trusted partner

Connect Health has worked with NHS Trusts over recent years to reduce demands on secondary care activity. We’ve been providing solutions in the MSK and pain pathways for three decades with proven benefits to patients and secondary care pathway partners.

Service transformation

We deliver sustained transformation through our dedication to patient care, sophisticated infrastructure, digital tools, highly advanced clinical and operational data insight and change methodology.


Working within the community, we can ensure that onward patient referrals are appropriate, maximising quality and operational efficiency.


We are dedicated to helping the NHS pathway perform at its highest level and in all aspects we ensure the key stakeholders, namely patients, staff and taxpayers, get the best outcome.

Multidisciplinary Team

At Connect Health, we strongly believe that having a highly skilled multidisciplinary team approach enables us to collaborate more successfully to deliver the best possible service to meet our patient’s needs.

The complex and multidimensional needs of our patients are better met because of our ability to provide assessments and treatment that are tailored and delivered by our highly skilled team.


The Solution

• Access – Taking steps to access help for psychological help can be a daunting process. Our referral processes are designed with this in mind. We operate a single point of access via a multi-channel referral route, offering individuals a range of options to access the support they need.

• Communication – It is vital that clients have a full and clear understanding of what to expect from care within our service at all stages. Our resources are co-created and co-designed with our clients to ensure they are produced at a level they understand.

• Choice – Across all our national services we ensure Shared Decision Making (SDM) is built into all points of the patient pathway. Therapy is a collaborative process with clinician and client.

• High Quality – We deliver NICE recommended CBT, guided self help, EMDR, counselling for depression treatments.

• Rapid access – We deliver and monitor the national and local access targets by providing an efficient and high quality service designed to meet the contract specification and innovate over the life of the contract.

• Governance – In terms of monitoring effectiveness, governance and completing audits, our services adhere to our Clinical Governance Framework policy. Through these robust national processes, we ensure quality is at the foremost of our delivery and is defined as encompassing patient safety, outcomes and experience.

• Connect Health has a strong colleague health and wellbeing focus. We recognise that staff working within mental health deal with patients that place high demands on their own wellbeing. We are fortunate to recruit good staff who have a passion to work in this environment and we continuously endeavour to support their needs.


Key features of our Health and Wellbeing Model

• Working with the community

• Innovative use of digital technology

• Innovative approaches to mental health prevention and promotion

• Integration of Connect Health’s own services

• A proactive partnership/collaborative approach

• A strong commitment to colleague satisfaction and staff wellbeing

• Organisational scale

• Care Coordination – receiving and managing referrals into our service


Helpful resources


Flippin’ Pain™ is a public health campaign, championed by Connect Health, helping people to understand the science of pain.

Discover Flippin’ Pain


Talking Therapies Board Assurance Prompt (BAP): Amid rising pressure on the UK’s mental health services, compounded by COVID-19, the Good Governance Institute (GGI) and Connect Health have unveiled an industry-leading briefing to support NHS leaders and commissioners in providing the most efficient and best quality care in the community.

Read more about the BAP


Time to change: A growing social movement working to change the way we all think and act about mental health problems.

Time to change


NHS England: Adult Improving Access to Psychological Therapies programme

NHS England


Catch up on our Mental Health related webinars

Mental Health – Are we doing enough?


Take a look at our latest Mental Health blog post

Tina’s Story


One in four experience a mental health problem each year with financial uncertainties set to exacerbate depression and anxiety.

Shazna’s Blog


Connect Health is a leading provider and enabler of community services, including: MSK (musculoskeletal), Mental health, Chronic pain, Rehabilitation, Rheumatology, First Contact Practitioners (FCP) and Long Covid services

Company Brochure


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Patient feedback

Kelly, from Hertfordshire, was suffering from depression and anxiety when she came to Connect Health. Her counsellor was able to help her to find her way.

Tina, 47, was suffering from PTSD, depression, low self worth and feelings of a loss of identity alongside ME. But with the help of her counsellor she was able to talk, be listened to and was offered tips and advice


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Case Studies
Connect Health’s Counselling service allows patients to be heard and feel like they have someone to talk to.

Kelly, from Hertfordshire, was suffering from depression and anxiety when she came to Connect Health. Her counsellor was able to help her to find her way.

We need to move beyond thinking and conversation.

Dr Andrew Cuff, Director of Clinical Strategy at Connect Health responds to the latest report by Versus Arthritis. “Each year, Versus Arthritis produce a report titled “State of Musculoskeletal Health”. This report provides an overview of a variety of factors

Connect Health wins national award for innovation

Connect Health is proud to have won the ‘Excellence in Clinical Innovation’ award at the HSJ Independent Healthcare Providers Awards in recognition of an outstanding dedication to support of the NHS and improvement in healthcare services.   The winners were