Connect Health Change

A series of webinars designed to make and embed transformation in healthcare during restitution of NHS services following the COVID-19 outbreak.

Connect Health Change

A series of webinars designed to make and embed transformation in healthcare during restitution of NHS services following the COVID-19 outbreak.

Making and embedding transformation 

Our webinars are aimed at system leaders and clinicians across the NHS, to provide practical solutions to the challenging issues we are all grappling with.

Every webinar will see clinical and operational experts talk about NHS transformation in a particular field. We will unearth issues and discuss how challenges have been overcome, all within bite size chunks over a lunch time period.

Our FREE events will be hosted over Microsoft Teams, with tickets available via an Eventbrite registration – please follow our social channels to be informed of upcoming events:


Alternatively please email us to register your interest in future events.


Our eighteenth webinar in the series titled, Mental Health – are we doing enough?’ takes place on Wednesday 19 January, learn more about the event and book your place:

Wednesday 19 January 2022


Our seventeenth webinar in the series titled, Unwarranted Variation – the productivity saviour?’ takes place on Wednesday 17 November, learn more about the event and book your place:

Wednesday 17 November 2021


The sixteenth webinar in the series, Virtual consultations – their place in a post-COVID world as we reset and recover back to better’ took place on Wednesday 13 October, learn more about the event and watch the webinar in full:

Wednesday 13 October 2021


The fifteenth webinar in the series, ‘Long Covid rehab – The long road to recovery?’ took place on Wednesday 29 September, learn more about the event and watch the webinar in full:

Wednesday 29 September 2021


The fourteenth webinar in the series, ‘Cultural Communities and Health Inequalities’ took place on Wednesday 14 July, learn more about the event and watch the webinar in full:

Wednesday 14 July 2021


The thirteenth webinar in the series, ‘System recovery – now the hard work begins!‘ took place on Wednesday 23 June, learn more about the event and watch the webinar in full:

Wednesday 23 June 2021


The twelfth webinar in the series, ‘The Future of Managing Rheumatology Conditions in the Community‘ took place on Wednesday 26 May, learn more about the event and watch the webinar in full:

Wednesday 26 May 2021


The eleventh webinar in the series, ‘Naughty or NICE: Chronic pain guidelines and their implications for the design and delivery of services‘ took place on Wednesday 14 April, learn more about the event and watch the webinar in full:

Wednesday 14 April 2021


The tenth webinar in the series, ‘Service Redesign – a wicked problem?‘ took place on Wednesday 17 March, learn more about the event and watch the webinar in full:

Wednesday 17 March 2021


The ninth webinar in the series, ‘Clinical Psychologist Recruitment Crisis In Pain Services‘ took place on Wednesday 24 February, learn more about the event and watch the webinar in full:

Wednesday 24 February 2021


The eighth webinar in our series, ‘Education – the passport to the future: Supporting our clinicians from graduation to advanced practice‘ took place on Wednesday 10 February, learn more about the event and watch the webinar in full:

Wednesday 10 February 2021


The seventh webinar in our series, ‘Quality Improvement (QI) – Knowledge-creation, translation and implementation‘ took place on Wednesday 20 January, learn more about the event and watch the webinar in full:

Wednesday 20 January 2021


The sixth webinar in our series, ‘IAPT – Achieving the vision of Improving Access to Psychological Therapies‘ took place on Wednesday 02 December, learn more about the event and watch the webinar in full:

Wednesday 02 December 2020


The fifth webinar in our series, ‘Digital healthcare transformation: the role of AI in self-assessment – Don’t get left behind‘ took place on Wednesday 18 November, learn more about the event and watch the webinar in full:

Wednesday 18 November 2020


The fourth webinar in our series, ‘COVID REHAB – Lives Have Been Saved, They Now Need to be Made Worth Living‘ took place on Wednesday 11 November, learn more about the event and watch the webinar in full:

Wednesday 11 November 2020


The third webinar in our series, ‘PAIN management and contemporary pain science. Changing (not just) the conversation‘ took place on Wednesday 21 October, learn more about the event and watch the webinar in full:

Wednesday 21 October 2020


The second in our series, ‘Successful and sustainable implementation of FCP within Primary Care Networks‘ took place on Wednesday 16 September, learn more about the event and watch the webinar in full:

Wednesday 16 September 2020


The first of our series, ‘Making and Embedding Transformation Post-COVID‘ took place on Wednesday 22 July, learn more about the event and watch the webinar in full:

Wednesday 22 July 2020



Learn more about transformation at Connect Health


What's new

Case Studies
Connect Health’s Counselling service allows patients to be heard and feel like they have someone to talk to.

Kelly, from Hertfordshire, was suffering from depression and anxiety when she came to Connect Health. Her counsellor was able to help her to find her way.

We need to move beyond thinking and conversation.

Dr Andrew Cuff, Director of Clinical Strategy at Connect Health responds to the latest report by Versus Arthritis. “Each year, Versus Arthritis produce a report titled “State of Musculoskeletal Health”. This report provides an overview of a variety of factors

Connect Health wins national award for innovation

Connect Health is proud to have won the ‘Excellence in Clinical Innovation’ award at the HSJ Independent Healthcare Providers Awards in recognition of an outstanding dedication to support of the NHS and improvement in healthcare services.   The winners were