Community rheumatology services – now essential for 2022/23

The twenty-first webinar in the series titled,’ Community rheumatology services – now essential for 2022/23′ took place on Wednesday 20 July, learn more about the event and watch the webinar in full:

Tags: Rheumatology

The Event

Our panel of clinical and industry experts joined us in conversation on Wednesday 20 July 2022 for the twenty-first in our series of FREE, live webinars.

The Agenda

12.30: Dr Benjamin Ellis, Head of Specialty, Rheumatology at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, Senior Clinical Policy Advisor, Versus Arthritis – Introduction from the chair

12.40: Dr Elizabeth MacPhie, Consultant Rheumatologist & Clinical Lead for Central Lancashire Moving Well, Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust. Former Chair of Clinical Affairs Committee at the British Society for Rheumatology – the challenges for Rheumatology in the UK and why the new BSR referral guidance was developed

12.50: Michael Dare, Rheumatology APP Essex and Kent Community Rheumatology services and National Rheumatology Lead for Connect Health – working together with secondary care to manage inflammatory joint disease in the community

13.00: Prof Bhaskar DasguptaRheumatology Lead Consultant, Connect Health – moving Rheumatology services to the community – Polymyalgia Rheumatica as an example

13.10: Dr Lesley PerkinsJoint MSK Lead for Waltham Forest, Tower Hamlets and Newham – is there capacity to absorb extra work suggested by the BSR guidance. Do PCNs allow a new approach to such service delivery or is a CCG commissioned Community Rheumatology service essential?

13.20: Tim Atkinson, Surviving pain advocate – Rheumatology, a patient perspective

13.30: Q&A with panel

13.45: End


Watch the Webinar in Full

Jump to Individual Talks

Dr Elizabeth MacPhie

Michael Dare

Prof Bhaskar Dasgupta

Dr Lesley Perkins

Tim Atkinson

Joint Q&A Session




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