Health Inequalities – unfair and avoidable

The nineteenth webinar in the series titled, ‘Health Inequalities – unfair and avoidable’ took place on Wednesday 16 March, learn more about the event and watch the webinar in full:

The Event

Our panel of clinical and industry experts joined us in conversation on Wednesday 16 March 2022 for the nineteenth in our series of FREE, live webinars.

The Agenda

12.40: Dr Liz Lingard, Transformation Lead (North East & Yorkshire), NHS England and NHS Improvement – MSK Health Inequalities: Ensuring equitable access, excellent experience and optimal outcomes across the pathway of care.

12.50: Prof George PeatProfessor of Clinical Epidemiology, Primary Care Centre Versus Arthritis, School of Medicine, Keele University – Understanding what Primary Care data can tell us about MSK Health Inequalities to support service design and implementation of targeted and universal interventions.

13.00: Dr James PrentisConsultant Anaesthetist, Freeman Hospital, Visiting Fellow Northumbria University – Optimising patients waiting for surgery: the power of linking waiting list and primary care data to target interventions for patients most at risk of health inequalities. Best practice examples of working with VCSE (Healthworks and NUFC)

13.10: Kerry Page, Project Development Manager, Keighley Healthy Living – Coproduction with the voluntary sector, communities and patients for equitable services that support individual patients needs and are culturally competent

13.20: Linda HindleDeputy Chief Allied Health Professional Officer and Engagement Lead for the Emergency Services, OHID (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities) – What frontline clinicians and managers can do as individuals and teams to develop a culture that promotes addressing health inequalities within and across organisations.

13.30: Q&A with panel

13.45: End


Watch the Webinar in Full



Jump to Individual Talks

Dr Liz Lingard

Prof George Peat

Dr James Prentis

Kerry Page

Linda Hindle

Joint Q&A Session




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