Quality Improvement (QI) – Knowledge-creation, translation and implementation

The seventh in a series of webinars to make and embed transformation in healthcare during restitution of NHS services following the COVID outbreak. Aimed at system leaders and clinicians across the NHS, the webinars provide practical solutions to the challenging issues we are all grappling with.

Summary of key messages Full Q&A transcript

Quality Improvement (QI) – Knowledge-creation, translation and implementation

The seventh in a series of webinars to make and embed transformation in healthcare during restitution of NHS services following the COVID outbreak. Aimed at system leaders and clinicians across the NHS, the webinars provide practical solutions to the challenging issues we are all grappling with.

Summary of key messages Full Q&A transcript

The Event

Our panel of clinical and industry experts joined us in conversation on Wednesday 20 January 2021 for the seventh in our series of FREE, live webinars.

The Agenda

12.30: Andrew Cuff, Consultant Physiotherapist & Regional Clinical Lead (North), Connect Health – introduction from the Chair

12.40: Prof Kay Stevenson, Consultant Physiotherapist, Honorary Professor of Musculoskeletal Care and Leadership, Versus Arthritis Clinical Champion, Keele University and Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust – Knowledge translation from academia to clinical practice. Translating and implementing research into practice.

12.50: Prof Chris Littlewood, Professor of Musculoskeletal Research, Manchester Metropolitan University – Research brings opportunity, not threat, so let’s embrace it.

13.00: Andrea Gibbons, @Evidence4QI Founder & Improvement Evidence Lead, Somerset NHS Foundation Trust – will talk about using evidence for quality improvement in healthcare.

13.10: Luke Baumber, Associate Director of Quality Improvement, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust – Using data and KPIs to change and enhance behaviours and performance in Nottinghamshire, how to measure impact of a set intervention.

13.20: Rob Tyer, Advanced Practice Physiotherapist (APP) and clinical lead, Northumberland Joint Musculoskeletal and Pain Service – Overview of the 10/10 Clinical Guidelines, how they were developed, aims and why they help knowledge translation.

13.30: Q&A

13.45: End

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Prof Kay Stephenson

Prof Chris Littlewood

Andrea Gibbons

Luke Baumber

Rob Tyer

Joint Q&A Session

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