ISO 9001 is an internationally recognised standard, that requires a business to monitor, measure and improve performance and service delivery, with set criteria for documentation, evaluation, and implementation of services.
Connect Health Limited secures ISO 9001 recertification thanks to continuous improvement and “high levels of learning”
14 September 2023
Digital Innovation Non Clinical
Connect Health Dynamo Membership Spotlight
22 August 2023
Connect Health was recently featured in the Dynamo Member Spotlight.
Flippin' Pain Patient Outcomes
Visit to health campaign event was life changing for Lincolnshire woman with painful spine condition
17 August 2023
Former nurse finds ways to cope and has cut down her use of opioid painkillers
Whatever your age or fitness level, we can all be part of something really special, while taking steps towards better health and wellbeing
5 July 2023
Community services healthcare provider Connect Health supports ‘parkrun for the NHS’ and offers top tips for those looking to join celebratory event
Clinical NHS Services
Connect Health launch new Counselling for Depression service in partnership with West London NHS Trust
3 July 2023
We are delighted to launch our new Talking Therapies Counselling for Depression service today (3rd July 2023) in partnership with West London NHS Trust.
CQC NHS Services
Connect Health Pain Services achieve a ‘Good’ CQC rating with an ‘Outstanding’ in the well-led category after our latest inspection
28 March 2023
We’re thrilled to announce that Connect Health Pain Services Limited – NWCATS MSK, has achieved an ‘Outstanding’ Care Quality Commission (CQC) rating in the well-led category and ‘Good’ overall following the inspection that took place in December 2022.