News & Resources

Resources and news about the latest Connect Health people stories, patient and commissioner case studies, evidence, research and company news.


Connect news

How big conferences can change to make sure our future leaders aren’t excluded

23 May 2019

Andrew Walton, Executive Chair Connect Health, reflects on the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) Congress held 10-13 May 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland

Connect news

The 30-year itch – The evolving story of Connect Health and how my approach to MSK health has changed

20 April 2019

Two-part blog by Prof Andrew Walton, Executive Chair, Connect Health, reflecting on challenges and achievements over the last 30 years, in celebration of the organisation’s 30th anniversary year.

Connect news

Connect kickstarted my clinical career that had felt stifled for some time

15 April 2019

Neil Swift, Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner and Lower Limb Subject Matter Expert discusses his career progression at Connect and his upcoming educational event.

MSK: A new approach

2 April 2019

New National Guidance for Musculoskeletal Health.

Connect news

If not us, then who? If not now, then when?

28 March 2019

Martin Ongwen, Orthopaedic Manual Therapist and Movement Dysfunction Specialist, from Kenya, reflects on his impact at the #TheBigRs conference last year, the trip that followed and his latest thoughts

Clinical NHS

Cauda equina syndrome CES White Paper (February 2019)

22 February 2019

Connect Health’s Medical Director, Dr Graeme Wilkes explores current pathways in place relating to Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES) and looks to develop a debate around clinical variation and the provision of MRI scans for potential CES patients.